Thursday, December 16, 2010

im in love with lemon !

When life gives you lemons ......

..... make lemonade !!!

If a person takes lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water and honey, it can reduce the body weight as well.! warghh ini yg i paling shukaa ini!! dan juge boleh kasi kempisss perut tonciettt cth mcm i ni haa..nk tambah honey sket kt ayaq lemon u olls tu pon boleh gak kasi dia dappp kit kn..mmmmmm mmg marvelous! and ada info sket pasai honey (maleh nk translate kang lain pule jd maksudnye huuu) : addition of honey does not affect the benefits of lemon water. However, you should always prefer honey over sugar. Honey has many medicinal, antibacterial properties and is a mild laxative as well. Lemon water and honey first thing in the morning. It is an excellent fat burner as well as a brilliant refresher and antioxidant drink! wiawww!

but the point is, how much should we drink ?

In case you are in good health and weigh 70 kg or less, it is advisable for you to have juice of one-half of the lemon squeezed into one glass of water, twice daily. However, if you weigh more than 70 kg, juice of one whole lemon in a glass of water should be preferred. For maximum benefit, this mixture should also be taken two times a day, though you may dilute more lemon juice according to your taste if you wish.

lepeh dh perahh lemon tu dlm ayaq,jgn buang lg lemon tu sbb saki baki lemon tu boleh buat mcm scrub muka (sepp duit tak payah bli scrub muka mehai2 kt kedai tu)..tonyoh2 kt muka,parut or jerawat biaq seketika then basuh..bagoih utk kulit..mari lah kita sama2 cuba jaya kerna i pon skrg dh start buat kt umah dh everyday :)

tringat dulu masa kt kpg wewe,dia bg buah limau nipis kt i then kami masing2 ambik buah limau nipis tu n gosok2 kt celah ketiak time mandi..hehe :p khasiatnya adalah utk menghilangkan bau di ketiak dan utk kasi cerahh permukaan ketiak yg gelap..itu adalah salah satu lg kebaikan lime / lemon!

lain2 khasiat lemon lg yg i dpt dari Life Mojo adalah seperti ;

* Good for stomach
* Anti Cancer properties
* Excellent for Skin Care (acts as an anti-aging remedy and can remove wrinkles n blackheads)
* Aids in Dental Care
* Cures Throat Infections
* Controls High Blood Pressure
* Assist in curing Respiratory Disorders
* Good for treating Rheumatism ( helps to flush out bacteria and toxins out of the body)
* Reduces Fever
* Acts as a blood purifier
* Beneficial for hair ( Lemon juice if applied on the scalp can treat problems like dandruff, hair fall )
* Eye care ( The antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties protect eyes from infections and macular degeneration )

skrg ni mesti dok suwoh my mom beli lemon kasi penoh stok lemon dlm peti ais..hihihi harga lemon pon bukannya mehai..murah sajaaa =) lemonnnn lemonnnnnnn masyiammmmm ngat tp dappppppp ~ =)

yg benar,


hdsykn said...

wow weee..nnt watkan untuk i k? hehe.

MurderDoLL said...

bisa ajewwww...kena bli stok lemon byk2 kt surga kita nnti =p