Saturday, November 27, 2010

so, do u like fat guys with no money ??

holidays..n when i have nuthing to do, i started to think about things that i shouldnt be thinking n i ended up question everything..n lately ive been thinking bout my degree life in shah alam.

i know some ppl might be thinking n wondering y am i being such a lone ranger now in degree 4 d past 2 semesters in my batch n in class?

i'd rather be alone..seriously.its not that i dont like my classmates(some of them maybe),but i choose to be alone.bila dh sorg2 neh x la kita nk depend sgt kt org so xpayah nk menyusahkan org.x dak kwn rapat kt class pon xpa janji,kita xdak musuh n ok dgn smua org dlm class tu.i hate 'drama'.even sesama kwn rpt dlm class tu pon leh gado n ada krisis dalaman.n kdg2 berpuak2 its better 4 me to be alone than having myself involve in such 'drama'.n i feel free n comfortable to move around by myself..eventhough i feel very sunyiiii,borinkk n pathetic sumtimes but its is more important.n i still have my own bestfriends n close friends there in shah alam.

there r some people have told me to just pretend n wat2 mcm leh in,masok n ikot ja mana2 group of friends in my class,like just be around them,follow them wherever they go,like things they like to do, n pretend to like them but deep inside u just dun wanna be around them. i hate being a pretender..n im not good at it.i hate pretending myself to be such a really nice gurl towards everyone just to be 'in' with every group of people.thats just not not hypocrites.i dont want to be trampled and stepped over,back stabbed,ditindas n dipijak,cpt mengalah,senyum,and pretend like i dont know anything..dets fake.yes i admit that im not smart n pretty n the best gurl of the social scene.n yes i can be so quite n i can be so loud when im with different group of people.but wutever it is,im just being myself.
but heck u have to be in my shoes to know what i was facing then, n now.

if i always skip my classes, thats MY problem.

if im lazy to go to class n i didn't go to class, thats MY problem.

its funny n pelik how some people can be very judgemental just bcuz i always didn't go to class n its like im the only one who didn't go to class.konon2 mcm depa nk amek berat n concern sgt la n risau but actually they dont.n if they really are,i appreciated it but its ok anyway.i can handle myself.its my life.u people no need to worry about me especially to those who r not close to me.

'tak mati pon kalau p class sorang2,kt class sorang2,n balik class pon sorang2'

maybe ada hikmah smua ni..redha ja la..people can say what they wanna say bout me but they dont know me..i gotta be strong!n im glad n thankful bcuz i still have my BFFs beside me all the time.

i've survived myself 4 the last 2 semesters n i hope det i'll survive too 4 the next 2 semesters.

i dunno y i write diz..its 5.36am but i still cant sleep..n now rasa lega kit bila dh tuleh n luah smua neh.. =)

itolah the moral of the story are..

"Sometimes you pick your friends, sometimes they pick you."
- (by Steve Klaka)

"Best friends are like diamonds, precious and rare
False friends are like leaves, found everywhere."

yang dikasihi,
-bebi pui-

Thursday, November 25, 2010


the best moment of my life..again..eatttt!!!diz time ngan geng2 kt png pule diketuai oleh cik arfah a.k.a dekpah selaku tokeyyy kami mlm ito kerna beliawlah yg belanja kami smua mkn mlm ito!dan disertai oleh bebi pui a.k.a yuzzy,sazzyy a.k.a arewind,yaya a.k.a dude, Q a.k.a qurratul, n hanis a.k.a nonis...depa smua neh my schoolmates dlu..skali skala bestt dpt lpk2 mkn ceni rmai2..tp3 farah a.k.a pibe ja xdak..hukk

lokasi kami adlh di Nurul ikan bakaq ~ agak femes gak la tmpt neh..mcm2 ada ikan bakaq,segala seafood,tomyam,ais kacang pon adaa tp mlm kami p tu ais kcg tutup dh pule..

so mlm tuh kami order ikan steam 3 rasa mmg dapppp gila rahhh!tomyam campoq(shuka ngat dia pnya tomyam ckop rasa masam smua),sotong goreng tepong,teloq bistik,kailan ikan masin,ayaq oren juice n sirap limaw..n yg penting mlm tuh nasik utk 6 org harga rm6 na..sib beik bkn rm66..haha kedai ni la aritu yg tersilap kira harga nasik puteh ja smpai rm64 tuh!hukk!

n as for dessert 4 det nite,kami ke mcd joa mkn ice cream cone mcd tuh,sundae cornetto n mc flurry oreo..dekpah blnja lg..:D

tomyam yam3 campoq

ini diaaaaaa tokeyyy kami pd mlm itu..dekpah~
thanks to dekpah joa..moga2 murahlah rezeki beliaw lg..tunggu i keja plak naa nnti i blnja u olllssss mkn2 pule..

Me n lolinkkk~

p/s : sementara cuti maseh ada neh,dok looking forward nk p mkn kt seoul garden lg hahaha lolink (if u read diz), take note plz ~ hehehehhe n kt clinic cafe baru bkak kt gurney bestt!!tp dh dikatakan tidak halal pule so a big no-no joalahh..

akhir kata , teeeeeeeheeeeeeeett

sincerely by,

Friday, November 19, 2010

a quote

: The greatest revenge to a girl that steals your man is to let her have him, because a truly good man can never be stolen ..:

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Dear u ollsssss,

BESTNYA KITA SEMUA..kalau tak,dok BESTNYA MEREKA saja..makanya esok kami nk balik ke rumah masing2 dohhh~

kesimpulannya,secara purataaaaa kentuttt sem ini agak best juge le kot..tension tuh biase le nk buat mcm mana..dh tu skit2 liapoo( i le tuuhh heeee) 5 kali mkn,5 kali tambah nasik,5 minit lapar lg..........T_T

dgn itu sepanjang cuti sem ini tiada lg dan tidak akan kedengaran lagi bunyi2 sumbangggg seperti KIRIMAN WANG POS, THE BEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE!, ANGIN MONSOON EMO DARI BARAT DAYA,"APE LAGI NI YUHANISSSSSS'', ''TEEHEEEEET'', ''BESTNYA DEPAAAA'', ''NAK KIRIMMMMMMMMMMMM'', ''JIOM SIKK MOKCIKKKK'', ''LIAPOOOOOOO'', ''COMELLLL KAN I'', ''TAK POOO LOOOOOOOO'', ''KETAT2 LOLLLLLLL'', ''TIANNNN NGATTT'', dan paling dirindui part gado n majok tihihih..bestnya gadoh pehtu bila dh beik balik tu lg best tihihihi dakk aihhhhhhhh!!eh ada lg yg akan PALING dirindui iaitu ''MAGIC WORD MAGIC WORD!!!!!'' T__T

apa2 punnnn,doa2 lahh moga2 kita semua pass la smua paper sem ni naa..dan tidak lupa dgn perjanjiannnnnn kita!! masing2 dok ''i xmiawww blanja KFC!!!'' kiahaahhaaaaaa

Amaran Keras : dok umah tu jgn dok ketat2 ngat naa...jgn lupa 3G uinnss masing2 naa bg mengetahui perkembangan uinsss samadaaa sehatt ka dakk makin kembang ka kuncuppp ka pa siape tahuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu kot2 dh berubah menjadi singa ka pa

ikhlas dr yang disayangi,

diakhiri dgn gambar entiti anehhh di rumah kami...puaka sunggoh!!sib beik entiti ni takdak dh..kalau dak,sssssiaaaaaaaappppppppppppp!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

tag by arewind lalala~

kena tag by NUR SYAZWINA AZMI a.k.a my lolinkkkk~

1. name one person who made you laugh last night.
last nite there were 3 munnsstarrrrrss who made me laugh = tiro+wewe+bebi latto lat

2. what were you doing 1 hour ago?
still..on my tilam~

3. what was the last thing you said out loud?
''magic wordddddd plzzzzzz''

4. where's the next place you're going to go?
outtt from shh alam!with my family~ sooonnnn!

5. what was the last thing you paid for?
nasik kandaq mamak tuuuu

6. where were you last night?
at the living hall..stodiiii!

7. what's the best ice cream flavor?

8. do you wanna cut your hair?
niooooooooooo..sumday mybe~ teriginnn kottt

9. do you love to melatah?
sumtimes la kot

10. if that so (melatah), what will you said out loud?
ekceli baru ja ptg smlm melatah n menjerit tersebot "babiiiiiiii" sbb terkejutt gara2 dak2 cikk yg ddok kt tingkat 1 tuhh!huhhhh!

11. what does the last text message you receive say?
'' tah cpt la fam. km mai pn!xsbq nk bwk jln2 haha.................................................'' by pibe!

12. will you get married in future?
sure will!

13. do you chew on your straw?

14. do you make up you own words?
haha all the timesssssssss

15. is there anyone you like / love right now?
err...ada kottt

16. tag to others 5 bloggers.
Sapa yg dh terbaca tag neh p buat lekaihhhhh~!!